Thursday, July 28, 2016

Halfway Through the Summer....

With the summer break passing quickly, we realized it has been a few months since we checked in with our friends and family. (While looking through some old pictures we found two taken 3 years apart but at the same waterfall. Good thing no one has changed that much.) We have had a few adventures this summer and finally bought a car. But lets go back to the beginning of June.
School ended the first week of June with a graduation. Our son Cullen was one of two graduates this year, one from high school and Cullen from 8th grade. The missionary community gathered in celebration of this important milestone in the lives of these two young men. William and Camilla had great years as well, each of them doing well on their report cards. Bill was able to finish on a high note as well, serving as the master of ceremonies for the graduation and being able to hand Cullen his diploma as Cullen crossed the stage.
We were finally able to purchase a new vehicle. With Joy having to drive 4 days a week to the airstrip, we needed something reliable and with four-wheel drive. This added up to a used truck! Of course the favorite thing for Camilla to do now is ride in the back whenever possible. For the first time we own a diesel vehicle and are loving the gas mileage (or is that diesel mileage?) A great thanks to everyone who gave extra last fall so that we can have the peace of mind that comes with a reliable car.
     What adventures you ask? Well, we were going to have to spend a week in Lima doing paperwork for the kids' Brazilian passports and decided to tack on a short family vacation. After doing some looking around we chose to spend two days at the sand dunes of Ica. We were able to climb the sand dunes, ride in a dune buggy (where Bill lost at least two years off his life when we drove off a cliff everyone except for him was anticipating. To quote Camilla-”Dad...why were you screaming so loud?”) Our son Cullen made a great video about our trip and its posted here.
     Between flights, working at the school, spending time with the friends and Spanish lessons, the summer is passing quickly. There are less than four weeks left before school kicks off again. We now have two in high school, and a fourth grader. Bill be teaching mostly math classes this year, but everything is subject to last minute change. Joy renewed her flight medical in June, then recently got checked out at a new and challenging airstrip where some of our Wycliffe colleagues are still working on a Bible translation, and continues to coordinate all the flights for SAMAIR.
Prayer Requests

1. Continued safety for us as we work in Peru.
2. Continued spiritual growth for our entire family.
3. For a buyer for our old truck.
4. For the upcoming school year: that students, teachers and parents would work together for God's glory.
Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO BOX 628200
Orlando FL 32862

link to our Wycliffe Ministry page here.

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