Everything has changed
Dear Friends and Family,
It is not very often you can look back at a prayer letter while
writing your next one and discover everything you planned did not
happen. We had speaking engagements planned and penciled in. Awana
programs, a mission conference, a women's brunch, and a trip to Brazil
to renew Bill's visa were all on the agenda. They were not to be; God
had other plans.
The second weekend in March we flew to Atlanta for the wedding of
Joy's niece. This was to be the start of a busy schedule, but instead it
was the first and last thing we did outside the home. That next week we
kept checking our phones to see if future plans were going to hold. One
by one they all fell by the wayside. The shelter-in-place order for
Chicago, like many around the country, has closed churches and forced
small groups to meet by telecommuting platforms.
All of us have had our lives turned upside down. The day before
traveling to the wedding, William received the shocking news that
Wheaton College had made the decision to shut down the campus and move
the last quarter online. He returned to campus that following week to
say a few goodbyes and pack his room. Good news for him is that he
completed his finals last week, and his first year of college is one to
remember. Camilla and Cullen also transitioned to e-learning that week, a
temporary solution that later became reality for the rest of the
semester. Cullen's graduation ceremony was cancelled as was Camilla's
production of Charlie Brown through the Chicago Christian Youth Theater
program. However as resilient children, they make these loses and
transitions look easy. They have followed schedules without any
prompting from us, starting each day around at nine o'clock and
finishing shortly after a lunch break. As I type this letter, Cullen is
taking his AP Calculus test online. He feels well prepared, he says.
Through all this we have seen the hand of God active in our
lives. We had hoped to return to Peru in January, with Joy flying to
Lima for treatments once a month. When COVID-19 shut down not just
America, but the whole world, we realized that God had spared us a huge
trial as Peru's restrictions were more severe than Chicago's. Within 24
hours, the Peruvian president suspended all international and national
flights meaning either Joy would have been separated from her family if
she had been in Lima at the time or making Joy's treatment impossible
for us without having to request emergency evacuation from the US
embassy. Here in Chicago, while Bill is not able to go with her, Joy has
been able to continue monthly treatments and scans requested by her
doctor. Her last scan in April continues to show no growth of any tumors
anywhere else in her body.
While we were sad that Cullen was not able to return to finish
his senior year in Peru, because we were here in Chicago, he had the
opportunity to apply for a scholarship for urban leaders. We were first
made aware of this scholarship to Taylor University last fall. It was a
long application process, with three steps involving essays, evaluated
group dynamics, and interviews. At the end of February, Cullen was named
an Acts 6 scholar and given a full ride scholarship to Taylor. He will
start classes in the fall, studying film and media production. This
scholarship is also an internship as it invests heavily in urban
students who want to make a difference in their communities. Cullen
already has begun online classes with his fellow scholarship cadre and
is looking forward to other activities this summer before school starts
in the fall.
While we are not speaking at conferences, Bill is working on
teaching materials and developing his writing skills by reworking
stories he wrote about growing up in a large family here in Chicago.
There have been hours spent trying to get our pictures safely archived
from old CD's to an external drive and then correcting their dates and
compiling them in a format that we can find and use in the future. Joy
also has some nursing continued education credits due this month as
well. Of course we are enjoying being together as a family one more time
before everyone separates in the fall. We were reminded at Easter that
we are at the one year mark of Joy's cancer diagnosis. Last Mother's Day
our family was separated by a continent as Joy was facing major surgery
that next week. Those reminders make us immensely grateful that God has
brought us through this past year, and we can rejoice in the many
amazing gifts He has continued to give us.
Our future plans remain in God's timing. We have already tried
twice to plan our return to Peru only to be postponed. This time we are
waiting before attempting to nail down a firm date. However, with this
said, we hope to return to Peru in August. We will confirm the date
after Joy's last treatment and result of last scans. This time we will
return with only Camilla in tow, a big change for all of us.
We have a few prayer requests as this season of our lives moves forward.
(1) Pray for continued healing for Joy. Her neuropathy continues in her
feet and any decisions regarding future flying will be contingent on the
(2) Pray for William and Cullen as they try to decide what to do this
summer. Jobs are scarce and we don't know that working outside the home
and returning everyday is a good idea while we live with Bill's parents.
(3) Pray for summer plans as far as finishing our furlough goals of
visiting supporters and friends that are not in Chicago. We typically
make a long trip and even had lined up dates with a few churches in
July. Pray for God's will to be done about our plans.
(4) Pray for the Lord to have mercy on His world and to stop the spread
of the COVID-19 virus. Pray that these locked borders and quarantine
orders will not affect our plans to return to Peru and/or that we be
patient with God's timing.
One final note or thought: If our shelter in place continues further
into the summer, we would like to hear from you if there is a time that
you'd like to meet with us for a internet based missions report. This
could be a Skype/Zoom/Google-Talk with any small groups, churches, or
families that would like to hear more about our ministries in Peru. If
we can figure out how to share a power point, we can call this a
tele-furlough! In all seriousness, we would love to connect with you
despite this time of social distancing.
In Christ,
Bill and Joy Carrera