Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Nov 2020..possible Return to Peru?


We have return tickets to Peru! Read below to see how God has done some amazing miracles on our behalf to allow us to return and don't forget to check out the items to pray for.

Dear Friends and Family,

When we last updated you at the end of August, we had just been through a tough month filled with ups and downs. Cancer-free scans were the good news, but closed international borders to Peru was the bad news.

God in His wisdom, then took us on a two-month journey showing us things about His character, about ourselves, and how we should respond in times of uncertainty. For the first two weeks in September, we thoroughly enjoyed our time in Spokane Washington. Our time was spent seeing how Moody still trains missionary pilots and mechanics, sharing in chapels, attending classes, and eating meals in the evenings with both staff and students. We had the privilege of spending time with a student Bill had taught on the mission field in elementary school who is now at Moody. We got a vision for how Joy could be a valuable instructor and mentor to both male and female students in the program and how Bill's educational background could be used in the student services department. The doors are open for us to work there in the future whenever God leads us from our current ministry. While we do not feel this is right for us at the moment, please pray for us as we consider His will for us at Moody in the future. As we left, God gave us the privilege of spending a day and a half exploring Yellowstone National Park. (See pictures above.)

Here are the fall miracles God worked for us.

Miracle #1: Joy was able to reduce her use of gabapentin throughout the month and by the time we returned to Chicago she was completely off this medication that causes drowsiness and would prohibit her from obtaining an aviation medical. While there is still some discomfort primarily in the evenings, this has been easily managed with over the counter pain medicine.

Miracle #2: While at Moody, we were given the contact information for a company that specifically helps pilots regain their FAA medicals. The owner is a Christian, and we hired this company to represent our case before the FAA. Once Joy's doctors send reports of Joy's surgery and treatments of this past year to them, they will submit a legal document representing her when she finishes her medical exam with a designated FAA medical examiner next week.

Miracle #3: At the end of September, we drove to the JAARS center in Waxhaw, NC. The plan was to attend a two-week refresher ground school for all JAARS supervisor pilots. But since the country of Peru still was not allowing flights from the US, we approached the head of training at JAARS and asked if there was any way he could facilitate the flight training immediately following the ground school. There was an instructor (more like 3 who shared the load) and an aircraft available for this required training. After two weeks of instrument training, left seat, and right seat flying, Joy completed all the training necessary to requalify for a full five year JAARS recurrent training event. 

Miracle #4 Peru officially began allowing flights from the US starting November 1st. We returned to Chicago and this past week we able to fit in dental work for both of us, Joy's three-month CT scans (ONCE AGAIN SHOWING NO CANCER), an upper esophageal scope for Bill, AND PURCHASED TICKETS for Monday, November 16 to return to Peru.
Here is how you can pray for us in the next 7 days:
1. Pray for Joy's FAA medical exam Tuesday the 10th. After the exam, the FAA review board will need to deliberate based on this exam along with the report from Pilot Medical Solutions on her behalf.
2. Pray for one more treatment (BOTOX) on Bill's esophagus Thursday the 12th.
3. Pray that we will be able to get COVID tests here in the Chicago area which is difficult due to demand. The timing has to work perfectly due to government mandates to arrive with results within 72 hours of receiving the results.
4. Pray for us as we leave our boys in the US at college. Pray that God would continue to bless them this semester and for their plans for the holidays as they will not be traveling to Peru.
5. Pray for us as a family as we return after so long. Our expectations are high, but we know we will be returning to a difficult situation.
6. Lastly and most importantly pray for Bill and me as we work on our spiritual life and family life after this difficult year. We are entering a new season and trust that God will be glorified in our lives.

7 days to go! Pray for us on November 16 and 17 as we finally get all the way home.

In Christ,

Bill and Joy Carrera

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