The cherry winks were a recipe I believe was passed down from my Grandmother Rast to my Mother a Northerner. This was seen as a great act of trust by this amazing Southern cook. A few years ago, after my Mom had been diagnosed with Alzheimers, I was at my parent's home for Christmas and decided to make cherry winks. My mother was excited every time I told her we were going to make these, but then assured me she no longer remembered how. I told her not to worry because she had taught me and we would do them together. So as we chopped the dates and nuts together, I reminded her over and over, just keep chopping (as she would start to wonder off mid process) because we were making her favorite cookies. She would get excited all over again and remind me she didn't remember how, and we'd start the conversation over. When they were all done, she didn't really know what she was eating, but I remembered for her.
Note the headphones, its a teenager in his natural state |
(I lost the recipe I used, but just google it.)